Sunday, November 28, 2010

'Tis the Season

I made a bargain with myself this morning: 1 full hour of manic  Christmas decorating before grading all day.  Let's just say I kind of held up to my bargain...but I will be up later tonight than usual with a stack of papers in bed (I mean if we're serious, I am blogging right now during my 'all day grading spree')!

 Cute little snowman to hold all of my nonfat all organic cookies.  (Haven't actually made cookies yet, but snipped recipe out of magazine last week.)
Setting up included taking bulbs out of packaging (which felt odd) because it's my first Christmas in this house!
It's hard to get nice lighting.  I feel it's much cozier in person.
I guess I should've gotten a closer picture of the garland because up close it's really intricate and pretty.
Extra bulbs are all over right now... in fact, in lieu of a centerpiece I just threw all of the extras on a silver plate.  It'll do for now!
Most of my stuff is blue and silver, but these little napkins are so nice I can't not use them.  You probably can't even see the gold, right?

Above my TV got a little decoration too...

And the antique mirror behind the couch...

And no house is complete without mistletoe!

Ahh back to grading before book club... wish I had some eggnog!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hello, Autumn :)

In my past life, I was baffled by the copious fall decorating provisions for sale at stores such as Hobby Lobby and Michaels.  Who was going to buy them?  What were they going to do with all of the tacky ones?  How many fall decorating items does one house need?

But now I understand.  My palette just barely whet with the few things I picked up (1/2 off!) this past weekend and I am salivating for more.  I actually considered forgoing grocery shopping this week in lieu of more fall home decorations -- more, more, more!  Ok, I'm getting a little carried away.  But I do think I found a new love: seasonal home decorating.

(PS:  I already have a head-start on Christmas...)

For now it isn't much, but I love coming home to a more festive atmosphere.  Makes me crave cider and hayrides.  The other thing you can't see in a picture is my wallflower from BathandBodyWorks that is scented like "Autumn" ---ahhhh :)

Where's Waldo?  Can YOU see any decorations yet??
The pictures are weird colors because I take them on my Blackberry --- it's faster than taking and uploading.
 This wreath is actually for outside but I haven't gotten time to hang it ... so I'm keeping it classy on my thermostat. 
 I love this pumpkin!  It's such an unusual and pretty color.
 This pumpkin is high glam -- but it was hard to take a picture of because it's so sparkly :)

These little guys are so cute I want to keep them around all year!  Itty bitty pumpkins! :)

Also note: plants are still alive and thriving.  Whew!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Finally a rainy day, but instead of painting the floor upstairs, I'm getting ready for school (students start next week!) and updating the blog.  Ho hum.

Da da da da!  I haven't named them yet (creepy or crazy?) but here are my new plants...

Probably due the fact that I take all of my pictures on my Blackberry, the color on the walls is hard to see.  But here is the stairway (ahem!... With carpet!!) and the color on the wall here is the same as my bedroom and the bathroom (in this case, 1 gallon went a long way!)  It's a very soft sea-foam green.
All of the dishes I got are a vivid cobalt blue glass -- and so naturally I've been scouring garage sales, Goodwills, and my mom's storage unit for any additions to my collection (obsession).  I just don't think anyone can hate this color!  (Ignore the odd angle at which I took this picture ... it's not a half dressed woman on my wall, it's a mermaid.  You discern the difference.)
I finally painted the dining room table (well, a month ago, but hey) and after the first round of painting had 4 different color chairs.  I decided to do 2 turquoise and 2 brown and the table is a creamy color that matches the cupboards.  The style isn't exactly what I would have picked out for myself, but I think with the color it adds a little pop to an otherwise fairly monochromatic room.
And, although this is slightly off topic, aren't these tiny "Champagne" grapes adorable?!  They're the size of peas!
This picture really highlights the pockmarkings in this old dresser (passed down from my Grandma Brown) but in person I really like it.  It was bright pink and heavily distressed (my grandma was certainly before the trend there!) and I just spraypainted it silver.

And here is where I spent most of my summer.  On the beach and in the water.

Ahhh, ok, lunch and then back to work.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Summer Lovin'

Fall and football season are enticing, but I am very sad to say goodbye to summer.  I spent the day soaking up the sun at the beach, which is what I've spent a large portion of my time doing this summer, which is why I haven't posted much.  (I know EXCUSES EXCUSES)

Also, I feel like I'm not doing as many BIG projects (aka ripping out bathroom) and wonder if the small stuff I'm doing as I putz around the house is blog worthy.  I will have to take some pictures tomorrow (during the daylight) of some neat things I've picked up this summer at local Goodwills and other various thrift stores.

I will mentally debate whether some of my stranger (and questionably successful) odds and ends projects should make the blog picture cut (painting seashells, gluing stones to bowling balls etc)...

I hope that you have fun plans for the last few days before autumn is upon us!

Ok, here is a project finally finished.  Well, almost.  SO close (99.7%) and I'm very happy with it!  Crown molding above the cabinets.

Another big project has begun (I hope to finish this before I go back to work) -- painting the wood floors upstairs (original to the house, minus a couple of patchwork spots for safety).  The is a snapshot of the primer coats.  I have the paint purchased and ready to apply ... I just don't have the willpower to say no to a sunny day and beckoning beach!

In order to keep my bills (and magazines) organized, I set up a make-shift desk on the other side of the loft area.  Even though this is currently the only furniture I have for the space, I feel that it gives it purpose!  And a place to keep my printer set up ...

Off to the right-hand side of the above picture, you'll notice a handy little chair with no seat/cushions etc.  I purchased this for only eight dollars from Goodwill and plan on it being my first ever fancy-dancy-reupholstered-chair.  I also bought the fabric and the staple gun, but out of fear of ruining the fabric (pricey!) I've been gun-shy (hehe).  I need to watch some serious youtube how to videos before I tackle this project.  Plus, I'm saving it for a rainy day, and we haven't had very many lately!

(Note to readers: any upholstery tips much appreciated!)

 After conceding that yes, even though I think my neighbor's new dog is ADORABLE, I am not ready to be a pet-owner (will I ever be?  because I'm pretty sure that no matter how old I am, I'm still not going to want to take a dog for a walk in the winter) -- I have decided to be a plant-owner.  A housewarming gift from my good friend Rachel V. has inspired this confidence.  She got me a beautiful orchid that I have successfully kept alive for 2 months!  Maybe I have a green thumb after all...

 Ok, this orchid deserves another photo shoot, because in person it is a gorgeous fuschia color and this snapshot doesn't do it justice.  I'll add it to my list for tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


My mom is truly has an eye for landscape 'stuff' -- so I just let her make the decisions.  I hate to admit it -- but she really did make almost all of the calls as far as colors of flowers and where to put them.  Someone recently asked me if I have a green thumb.  I'm not sure yet, so we'll see!  In the meantime, here it is...
This is one of my favorite hostas -- I'd never seen this 'breed' before, the leaves are smaller than the typical hosta.

On to the backyard!
I think I should name him --- any ideas??
 I got four of these from a garage sale for $2 (what a steal!) -- it was funny because I had just gone up north with some friends and used these little things shaped like tulips to hold our drinks around the campfire.  We were talking about how handy they were, albeit corny (bright plastic tulips).  So when I saw these at a garage sale and ran up to the guy: "Are these outdoor drink holders!?" and he says, "Yes...I guess so, or candle holders?" Regardless of looking like a lush, I was ecstatic to find them. 
 Outdoor seating for friends! (Free chairs...)
Is YOUR backyard ready for the Fourth of July??
Bahahahaha!  Beth will love this picture :)  Told you I would spray paint it!